Fujian Zhongmin Chemical Co., Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Carbonate (GB210-92(II))
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: 99. 2% MIN
Post Time: 2010-08-25
Description: Product name: Sodium Carbonate Other name: Soda ash Molecular Formula: Na2CO3 Molecular weight: 105. 99 Appearance: Light ash as white crystal powder and heavy ash as white particle Specs: Sodium Carbonate(Na2CO3): 99. 2% MIN Chlorides(NaCl): 0. 70% max Iron(Fe): 0. 0035max Insoluble esubstance: 0. 03% max Loss on dry: 0. 8% max Space density of pile g/ml: 0. 9% max(only for dense soda ash) Particle size 180um meshive: 70% min(only for dense soda ash) Use: 1) materials of chemical industry, glass industry, metallurgy, printing and dyeing, synthetic detergent etc 2) food stuff: As clacker in food process Packing: Dense soda ash: By 50kg WPP/PE bag Light soda ash: By 50KG WPP/PE bag
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